60.89 Acres of both tillable and wooded land located in Sandusky County.This is a great property located NE of Clydewith road frontage on CR 278. Approximately 54 acres of tillable land to use for your own farm or rental income and great hunting on +/- 7 acres of woods all included on this great parcel! The farmland was recently systematically tiled at 25′ spacing and is producing a great looking crop of corn this year. The woods consists of mainly hardwoods with many mature trees for possible timber value and there is even a cleared lot that was intended for a homesite. Farmland in this area does not come up for sale often so dont delay on this one.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $$426,000 |
Address: | 788 S CR 278 |
City: | Clyde |
County: | Sandusky |
State: | Ohio |
Zip Code: | 43410 |
MLS: | 20223482 |
Square Feet: | 2,652,368 |
Acres: | 60.890 |
Lot Square Feet: | 60.890 acres |
12YearTaxes: | 642.48 |
agreementType: | Excl. Right to Sell |
area: | Clyde & Greensprings |
association: | Firelands MLS |
auction: | no |
buyCode: | 2.0 |
contingency: | Financing |
fipsCode: | 143 |
floodPlain: | Unknown |
frontage: | 675 |
legalDescription: | 17 4 8 E1/2, NE1/4 60.8947AC. |
listingNumberDisplay: | 20223482 |
lotDescription: | Wooded, Recreational Land |
lotDimensions: | 2635 x 1320' irregular |
lotMeasurement: | Acres |
mlsOrigin: | Firelands |
parcelId: | 02-08-00-0008-01 |
possession: | At Closing |
pricePerAcre: | 6996.22 |
schoolSystem: | Clyde-Green Springs |
sewer: | Subject to Health Dept. approval |
soilErosion: | Unknown |
township: | York |
validated: | yes |
water: | none |
waterRelated: | No |
waterfront: | no |