Coming Soon
One bedroom down, two bedrooms upstairs, right in town close to shopping, lake, restaurants. Great sized front porch, great shade trees, wood burner in living room, nice layout, furnace, water heater and roof were replaced in 1999, home was insulated. large closet in hallway upstairs,
View full listing detailsPrice: | $$79,900 |
Address: | 1009 E 3rd Street |
City: | Port Clinton |
County: | Ottawa |
State: | Ohio |
Zip Code: | 43452 |
MLS: | 20212852 |
Year Built: | 1900 |
Square Feet: | 974 |
Acres: | 4,000 |
Lot Square Feet: | 4,000 acres |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
12YearTaxes: | 734.33 |
2Bedroom: | Yes |
2BedroomText: | 14x9 Level: 2nd Floor |
2bedroomArea: | 126 |
2bedroomDim: | 14.000 x 9.000 |
2bedroomLen: | 14 |
2bedroomWid: | 9 |
3Bedroom: | Yes |
3BedroomText: | 13x10 Level: 2nd Floor |
3bedroomArea: | 130 |
3bedroomDim: | 13 x 10 |
3bedroomLen: | 13 |
3bedroomWid: | 10 |
4Bedroom: | No |
4bedroomDim: | 0 x 0 |
5Bedroom: | No |
5bedroomDim: | 0 x 0 |
agentOnlyRemarks: | Property was purchased from a bank, to a bank. Furniture and all items in home stays with property. The neighbor put a garden on the property, she apologized, she didn't think it was going for sale.I stuck the home in coming soon status to tget a few things done to the property. |
agreementType: | Excl. Right to Sell |
area: | Port Clinton |
association: | Firelands MLS |
auction: | no |
basement: | Laundry, Part |
bathroomsDisplay: | 1 (1 0) |
boardLoaded: | No |
brokerApproved: | TRUE |
construction: | Aluminum, Vinyl Siding |
diningRoom: | Yes |
diningRoomText: | 8x10 Level: Main |
diningRoomType: | Formal |
diningroomArea: | 80 |
diningroomDim: | 8 x 10 |
diningroomLen: | 8 |
diningroomWid: | 10 |
electricity: | ON |
enteredByMlsId: | APOORMAN |
extras: | Ceiling Fan |
familyRoom: | No |
familyroomDim: | 0 x 0 |
fipsCode: | 123 |
floodPlain: | Unknown |
foyer: | No |
foyerDim: | 0 x 0 |
garageParking: | Other |
heatSource: | Gas |
heatSystem: | Forced Air |
homeWarranty: | no |
kitchen: | Yes |
kitchenArea: | 72 |
kitchenDim: | 9 x 8 |
kitchenLen: | 9 |
kitchenText: | 9x8 Level: Main |
kitchenWid: | 8 |
landLease: | no |
laundryRoom: | Yes |
laundryRoomText: | 10x10 Level: Basement |
laundryroomArea: | 100 |
laundryroomDim: | 10 x 10 |
laundryroomLen: | 10 |
laundryroomWid: | 10 |
legalDescription: | BLK 9 LOT 21LAKEVIEW |
listingAgentFirstName: | Alishia |
listingAgentFullName: | Alishia D Poorman |
listingAgentLastName: | Poorman |
listingNumberDisplay: | 20212852 |
listingOfficeName: | Polter Real Estate |
listingagentmlsid: | APOORMAN |
livingRoom: | Yes |
livingRoomText: | 19x12 Level: Main |
livingroomArea: | 228 |
livingroomDim: | 19.000 x 12.000 |
livingroomLen: | 19 |
livingroomWid: | 12 |
lotMeasurement: | Acres |
lotSquareFootage: | 174240000 |
masterBedroom: | Yes |
masterBedroomText: | 12x10 Level: Main |
masterbedroomArea: | 120 |
masterbedroomDim: | 12.000 x 10.000 |
masterbedroomLen: | 12 |
masterbedroomWid: | 10 |
mlsOrigin: | Firelands |
multipleListingService: | Firelands Multiple Listing Service |
officeMLSID: | 1603 |
onMarket: | TRUE |
originalPrice: | 79900 |
otherRoom: | No |
otherroomDim: | 0 x 0 |
parcelId: | 0211727231039000 |
possession: | At Closing |
possibleShortSale: | No |
pricePerAcre: | 19.98 |
propertyDisclaimer: | All data subject to errors, omissions or revisions and is NOT warranted. |
reciprocalListing: | No |
roof: | Asphalt |
schoolSystem: | Port Clinton |
searchPrice: | 79900 |
sewer: | Public Sewer |
soilErosion: | Unknown |
squareFootageSource: | Tax Assessor |
style: | 1 1/2 Story |
substructure: | Basement |
taxYear: | 2020 |
totalNumOfRooms: | 5 |
township: | na |
url: | |
validated: | yes |
water: | Public |
waterRelated: | No |
waterfront: | no |