An amazing opportunity for the City of Fremont! Nearly 14 acres of land that has already been surveyed and parceled out into 45 parcels in a very desirable neighborhood within the city limits, making it eligible for CRA tax incentives! The perfect place for much needed housing in our city.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $$249,000 |
Address: | 0 Autumnwoods Drive |
City: | Fremont |
County: | Sandusky |
State: | Ohio |
Zip Code: | 43420 |
MLS: | 20211643 |
Square Feet: | 609,792 |
Acres: | 13.999 |
Lot Square Feet: | 13.999 acres |
12YearTaxes: | 1546.67 |
agreementType: | Excl. Right to Sell |
area: | Fremont/Lindsey |
association: | Firelands MLS |
auction: | no |
buyCode: | 2.8 |
contingency: | Financing |
fipsCode: | 143 |
floodPlain: | No |
legalDescription: | IL 6559 AUTUMN WOODS ESTATES PHASE II |
listingNumberDisplay: | 20211643 |
lotDescription: | Cul-De-Sac, Single Family, Duplex Lot, Multi-Family, Wooded |
lotMeasurement: | Acres |
mlsOrigin: | Firelands |
parcelId: | 345000655900 |
possession: | After Closing |
pricePerAcre: | 17787.11 |
schoolSystem: | Fremont |
sewer: | public sewer access available |
soilErosion: | No |
taxYear: | 2020 |
validated: | yes |
water: | public water access available |
waterRelated: | No |
waterfront: | no |